Friday, April 1, 2011

Making Angels: The Pipeline Fund Announces 2011 Fellows

The New York-based Pipeline Fund, which aims to increase the number of women who become angel investors and social entrepreneurs in the U.S., today announced its inaugural class of Pipeline Fund Fellows and mentors (listed at the end of this post). The Pipeline Fund Fellowship accepted ten women who are influencers in their fields, and have a track record of charitable giving. Together, they will go through a six-month boot camp style program in New York, where they'll learn how to route some of their wealth into angel deals (that will score them an equity stake) in for-profit, for-good businesses. The founder and chief executive of the Pipeline Fund, Natalia Oberti Noguera (image below) is serious about resolving bias against women that she ?�and many others ? perceived in the investment and startup ecosystem.



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